Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Life's Like This

-This picha is just for illustration purposes only-

Life's like this.

There's always something you need to take/do daily to keep your day going.
For example, I basically need my daily dosage of coffee to keep me going. Also, some sweetness to live up my daily routine.

Recently, I haven't been myself. I need my daily dosage of gossiping/yapping with someone, just like coffee. I'm just saying..

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Ears Needed

My ears has changed its heart,
I need a new pair.

My heart has changed its ears,
I need a new pair.

Either way, I need a new pair of ears.

Just saying...

Perhaps, I'm just being paranoid.
Hate this feeling so much that it annoys!

Well, what I'm trying to say is that, I need;

Someone to listen out, someone who cares.
Someone to talk to, someone who shares.

I'm just saying that I need someone to trash talk with before I go gaga and start rambling on the streets.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Just Saying

Creating this blog to pen down my thoughts, opinions and random stuffs. Well, you know, those usual stuffs you don't normally share in public but sometimes felt like telling the world about it. Will be writing mostly about my ongoings living away from home, the random stuffs I see and experience, and what I think about it.

Anyway, this is to keep record about my randomness, so that in the future, I can come back and read. Just to read what I've blogged laugh about it and maybe share with those who are bored. Just saying..

Named this blog as "Just saying" because not all the time what I say is what I mean, just saying only ma..

Anyway, here goes for nothing. Enjoy reading my randomness.