Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Story of The Ant and Grasshopper

Received this from a forwarded email. It's so dem farny I must share.

Classic Version

An ant worked hard in the sweltering heat all summer, building its nest and laying up supplies for the winter.

A grasshopper thought the ant was stupid not knowing how to enjoy life. It spent its days laughing, singing & dancing thoroughly enjoying the summer.

Came winter, the ant was warm, comfortable and had no shortage of food.

The grasshopper had no proper shelter, no stored food, and couldn't find anything to eat from the snow-covered ground. So it died and the story ended.

MORAL OF TH E STORY: Be responsible for yourself!

Modern Version

An ant worked hard in the sweltering heat all summer, building its nest and laying up supplies for the winter.

A grasshopper thought the ant was stupid not knowing how to enjoy life. It spent its days laughing, singing & dancing thoroughly enjoying the summer.

Came winter, the shivering grasshopper called a press conference and demanded to know why the ant should be warm and well fed while he was cold and starving.

TV1, TV2 & TV3 showed up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper alongside to a video clip of the ant in his comfortable home with a table full of food.

The majority of the Malaysian Parliamentarians were stunned by the sharp contrast. How could this poor grasshopper be allowed to suffer?

Khairy staged a demonstration in front of the ant's nest.

Nazri went on a hunger strike along with other grasshoppers demanding that they be relocated to warmer climate area during winter.

The Malaysia Government immediately passed a law forbidding all ants from working hard in the summer so as to bring about equality of poverty between ants and grasshoppers.

Hishammudin increased 'More Special Reservations' for grasshoppers in E ducational Institutions & in Government Services..

The ant was fined for failing to share 30% of his food with the grasshopper. The Prime Minister announced that this was part of the N E P. No ant should question it. (Don't forget, Tax Audits were introduced and targeted at certain individuals who were eventually penalised heavily for not contributing enough to the well-being of the grasshoppers).

Many years later...

Some ant migrated to the US and set up multi-billion dollar companies there.

Hundreds of grasshoppers still died of starvation despite the 'More Special Reservations'.

Losing significant number of hard working ants and free loading the grasshoppers, Malaysia remained a developing country, despite its abundant natural resources.
All because the remaining ANTS were still doing their work .............................

Latest finding showed that almost all the grasshoppers in the political arena and civil service were hoarding corrupt wealth which they refused to share with fellow grasshoppers.

MORAL OF TH E STORY: Be careful vote in 2011.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

It feels like..

...I'm on a rehab.

I haven't had liquor (my fav: tequila) for more than 4 months already. *gasps*

Few weeks back I had a few glasses of wine, but it's exceptional as wine is not liquor, to me that is.

Just realised that it's not 4 months since I last had this cactus juice as I met the girls (Rose, Gladys & Yien) last month and I had a serving of Margarita during our ARGH dinner. Hahahaha.. Anyway, it feels like forever since I last had a shot of cactus juice.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

sunday outing with Mocha

Happy Sunday!!

How did you spend your day today?

I spent the day today with Mocha :3

We went to church in the morning, and laze around in the afternoon.

After church, we head to Tesco in Ampang for some grocessories. Spent few hours there o.O!! Sometimes, I don't understand why and how I could spent hours in a supermarket...alone with Mocha. Best of all, I came out with RM22 worth of grocessories ONLY. So, what did I buy for RM22 and spent hours in the supermarket?

Just a packet of strawberry flava jelly, a packet of konnyaku jelly, 2 packets of minced beef, 2 bottles of yoghurt drink, a packet of rice balls with sesame fillings, and what else? Btw, I wanted to buy lemons, but the queue at the weighing counter was longer than the cashier!

Lol.. Ok demmit! I admit that I enjoy grocerry shopping even though I don't need to shop much.

Suddenly, so housewife =x sien....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September Sigh

It's September already. Time flies...

My finals are less than 2 months away and I still have so much to feed my brain!

Since my classes are only on evenings for weekdays and 3-6 hours on weekends, I have plenty of free time during weekdays. So, I thought of getting a part-time job like Barista at Starbucks or something as similar. But the thought about, utilising those free time to revise, the job thing was placed aside. When the "free" times come in hand, I hardly revise =/ what the heck man....

Practice practice practice. That's what they always say in order to pass this course. I need full self-discipline. LOL

I can't wait till the end of finals so that I can go home or find a temporary job before the new sem starts. Need extra $$$ to live leisurely again. By that, I mean to have a holiday - Travel and Dining the enjoyable way. :D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One Laundry Day

The other day, while I was doing the laundry, I didn't put all the washed clothes and bedsheets in the laundry basket because I was lazy to empty the basket (with second batch of dirty clothes to wash) to put them in. So, I just get all the washed bedsheets and towels in a pile and brought them to the balcony and placed them by the balcony "rail".

I didn't realise that the white tank top (sleeveless shirt which looks like a singlet) was with the white towel as it was in the "chameleon" mode. When I placed the sheets and towel over the rail, the shirt.....
Flew all the way down from my sky-high house. OMG!!! Luckily, no one saw the flying shirt and heard me!

I had to rush down to get my shirt back. Good thing there's no loitering doggy in this area otherwise I will have to buy a new white tank and every time I see the dog chewing my shirt, I have to pretend that it is not mine. LOL

Anyway, I am thankful that it is the shirt that fell. Can you imagine if my bra or panties was that falling shirt?!  Not that I want my inner wear to fall lah, I'm just saying only lah..

Monday, September 6, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010


This morning when I was on Twitter, I noticed a lot of tweets with the hashtag #iamsorry. So, I went to google it up and found out that today is "saying I am sorry" day. WTEFF! got such day one..

Anyway, since it is the I am sorry day, I shall do a tribute to this sorry day.

To friends and family and fellow peers, I am sorry if my words or actions hurt you. I sincerely apologize and I hope that it won't happened again.
I am sorry.

Here's my comical me giving everyone a big big hug!


Friday, September 3, 2010

I can't blog in my main domain

First of all, my home internet connection got cut off due to unforeseen issues. So, I couldn't online nor update my blog. Then, I subscribed to the DiGi Broadband.

Then, there were problems with the broadband.

The broadband speed was outrageously SLOW! Had to bear with the slowness and almost gone insane! Complaint over complaints on Twitter to Digi, but no solutions. Heck, Digi ignored my tweets even. PIFF

When the broadband is working well, I still can't blog because my main blog's server is having problems. According to the webhoster the problem is caused by the system failure which he is trying to solve and when it will be solved is unknown still.

This is not the first time for server failure. I have been facing the same problems several times within these few months. It is time to change....again.

Wteffff... So, here I am to rant about it. Anyway, I have registered to another webhosting company and waiting for this webhoster to get the server back so I can transfer everything to the new server. Moving "house" again. Mehhh...