Saturday, September 18, 2010

It feels like..

...I'm on a rehab.

I haven't had liquor (my fav: tequila) for more than 4 months already. *gasps*

Few weeks back I had a few glasses of wine, but it's exceptional as wine is not liquor, to me that is.

Just realised that it's not 4 months since I last had this cactus juice as I met the girls (Rose, Gladys & Yien) last month and I had a serving of Margarita during our ARGH dinner. Hahahaha.. Anyway, it feels like forever since I last had a shot of cactus juice.


ahlost said...

zouk cafe .. buy 1 free 2 .. kakakaka..

a n n n a said...

huhuhu.. zouk or not, no fun without the RGH around...