Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One Laundry Day

The other day, while I was doing the laundry, I didn't put all the washed clothes and bedsheets in the laundry basket because I was lazy to empty the basket (with second batch of dirty clothes to wash) to put them in. So, I just get all the washed bedsheets and towels in a pile and brought them to the balcony and placed them by the balcony "rail".

I didn't realise that the white tank top (sleeveless shirt which looks like a singlet) was with the white towel as it was in the "chameleon" mode. When I placed the sheets and towel over the rail, the shirt.....
Flew all the way down from my sky-high house. OMG!!! Luckily, no one saw the flying shirt and heard me!

I had to rush down to get my shirt back. Good thing there's no loitering doggy in this area otherwise I will have to buy a new white tank and every time I see the dog chewing my shirt, I have to pretend that it is not mine. LOL

Anyway, I am thankful that it is the shirt that fell. Can you imagine if my bra or panties was that falling shirt?!  Not that I want my inner wear to fall lah, I'm just saying only lah..


yienyien said...

oh me gosh oh me gosh! i imagine keren fall off!

Unknown said...

ur shirt..on the way down..

"I'm flying without wing..."

a n n n a said...

yien: must not let mocha read ur comment later she trauma want to mandi =x

kally: hahahahahaha... good one!

ahlost said...

hahahahahahaha.. can imagine you doing that lor !!

a n n n a said...
