For the past hour I've been filtering friend requests from 538, now down to 463 requests. I'm kinda tired of filtering already. Had to audit the fella, if I know him/her through mutual friends, pichas, profile and etc.. If they are people I know, I'm more than happy to accept. HOWEVER, THESE ARE JUST RANDOM PEOPLE ADDING YOU ON FACEBOOK. Walau! Are we having the "who has the most friends on Facebook?" contest?
Please lah people.. Just add people who you really know and not friend-shopping from your friends/cousins/sisters/brothers/girlfriend/boyfriend/etc's friend list.
Seriously, how often do you get such random friend requests? And how do you deal with them? Do you just accept or ignore them?
when i'm free I'll go thru them..
else.. I'll just leave it there.. won't click "ignore" but will ignore !!
if u got what i mean :D
I know what you mean.. But I can't do that, because I'm a forgetful person. lol.. If i leave ignored "ignore", I'll do double the work to filter coz I won't remember where I last filtered =x
block them if you had to =D or ignore and they wont be back
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